Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Days 17 & 18

Top photo is Day 18, bottoms is Day 17 (just didn't label them). It's been a hectic last few days, my niece was born this morning so I spent half the day with them-tomorrow will be busy with work and trying to teach my mother photoshop!!

Happy January!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16

Day 16. I actually spent time this morning curling my hair and making myself look "nice". Not for any particular reason-I have to deal with a bunch of whiny, loud kids at work today and I'm not looking forward to it. On the plus side, I do (fingers crossed that it shouldn't be an issue) get to take my brother with me to the zoo tomorrow while my mom is at the hospital with Katherine. I'm looking forward to taking him with me to work, even if he's crazy and running everywhere-I plan on walking with him around the mountain to wear him out and then I'll take some animal books he hasn't seen before so he can look through those. Should be fun!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15

Day 15...this year feels like it's been very long. I feel very alone, and while I'm excited to grow my photography skills, all I can think of is "I need a hot beverage, I'm feeling orange." (The shirt is a clue to what that means).

All I can do is smile and keep breathing. And have patience. So that's what I shall do. Now I'm off to make a hot cup of tea.